about Parasites about Parasites

On December 2001, Kim Cascone invited the .microsound list to mutate, mangle, destroy, induce failure in, and generally f_ck up the tracks of his parasites cd.

These are the results.

mp3 MP3 // Parasites

  Title Length Size (MB) Artist
1 aalParasite 04:40 4.29 aal
2 aenonloo_parasite.mp3 01:00 0.92 aenonloo
3 Parasite Remix - Cimex 03:23 3.11 Alex Davies
4 parasites_audiodelica_clinamen.MP3 00:40 0.61 audiodelica
5 Healsruststowie/vair,vert,victory,work 02:58 2.73 bill jarboe
6 time emptied 02:25 2.22 brian lavelle
7 chemmset_paerasite 04:59 4.58 chemmset
8 clikPOP_600000000.mp3 07:32 6.90 clikpop
9 parasites.cornucopia_-_crustaceo.mp3 02:01 1.85 cornucopia
10 colsight 04:50 4.44 craig stansifer
11 protozoa 03:57 3.85 chris degiere
12 protozoa 03:57 3.63 chris degiere
13 protozoa 03:57 3.63 chris degiere
14 lower_chakra_zing_128.mp3 03:06 2.85 devslashnull
15 the tree 04:00 3.67 duluoz
16 few of view (three parasites) 04:00 3.66 eM (m. bentley)
17 eto_ami_mood_indigo.mp3 04:39 4.26 eto ami
18 New Leviathan Wormhole 05:16 4.83 Galactus Zeit
19 parasite21 05:26 4.98 jfrede
20 parasitenewnew 03:13 2.96 jon irving
21 parasites_jorge_castro_parasito_caribe.mp3 01:11 1.09 jorge castro
22 j_plank: paraste 03:55 3.59 Josef Plank
23 strk4snd2norm 03:53 4.45 jplank
24 infected cutter 01:59 1.82 junklight
25 parasite_md 04:36 4.21 kenric mcdowell
26 3 min of parasite attack 03:17 3.01 kiritchenko
27 parasites_rework_002v, p_rwk_002v 03:14 2.97 logoplasm
28 Parasites (Elastic Conception) 01:36 1.47 Manys
29 mylittleparasite_martindx.mp3 03:14 2.97 martindx
30 Symbioneasy 03:21 3.08 Mere Mortals
31 paraMiSite 02:59 2.75 Michal Seta
32 paraMiSite 02:59 4.13 Michal Seta
33 a_sParse_it 04:50 4.43 M Stevens
34 Reside (Parasites Rework) 01:40 1.53 Nathan Snider
35 OXite1.mp3 03:51 3.53 OXoid
36 OXite2.mp3 00:32 0.49 OXoid
37 parasite lost 01:52 1.72 b.phenix
38 parasite_pixy.mp3 03:53 3.56 pixel correction
39 dienstverrichting 05:29 5.02 stephan mathieu
40 .mockingbird 02:40 3.05 stephan mathieu
41 mockingbird 03:20 3.05 stephan mathieu
42 parasite.tofu.arithmatic progression 01:56 1.77 tofu
43 parasite (geometric progression remix) 03:21 3.08 tofu
44 pillow 03:11 2.93 tu m'
45 parasites_umbrelluv_enough.mp3 04:13 3.87 umbrelluv
46 blastocytis hominis 03:32 3.24 will soderberg


abstract abstract

by Kim Cascone

Parasites being organisms that live on the host body of larger organisms, I thought it an interesting concept for the use in place of the idea of "samples".

In the spirit of providing the microsound list with a community project I offer this invitation:

  • Using only the material found on tracks 2 - 20 on the Parasites CD (anechoic a001) create a new work no longer than 5 minutes in length.
  • Upload finished work to the microsound hotline server for others to hear:
  • Feel free to mutate, mangle, destroy, induce failure in, and generally f_ck up the samples to your hearts content.



  • This invite is to microsound list members ONLY
  • Deadline for submissions is Feb 14 2002.
  • microsound hotline server: [microsound.synthesizer.org]
  • Get the samples here: path: [Uploads/Parasites project folder/parasite samples]
  • Place your piece here: path: [Uploads/Parasites project folder/myfolder]
    Please name your folder something unique and not "myfolder"
  • Post to the list that you have uploaded your piece (include the name of the piece)
  • Upload only 128kbps 44.1kHz stereo .mp3 files
  • Use filetype suffixes in your filenames: mynewpiece.mp3
  • Do not use spaces or non-alphanumerics chars in filenames:
    • good: myNewPiece.mp3
    • bad: #my new, #piece!.mp3
    • underscores_are_ok
  • To get a microsound hotline server password, please contact: eric@synthesizer.org or kim@anechoichmedia.com.


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