about Seven Seconds about Seven Seconds

The book 'Media Unlimited' by Todd Gitlin describes how the average length of time needed today to comprehend new information is approx. seven seconds. This is the reason why sound bites heard on TV and radio fit into this time frame. It would be an interesting task to create sound works that also fit within this time frame...

so here is a new microsound project:

  • create a piece no longer than seven seconds
  • there should a strong structural element (i.e., A-B-A, A-B-B-A, A-B-C-A, etc)...(it can be layered as well...for example: one layer consists of one sort of structure and another consists of a different one)
  • the piece should NOT be monochromatic (i.e., it should use different types of sounds)

the deadline for submissions has passed.

mp3 MP3 // Seven Seconds

  Title Length Size (MB) Artist
1 [||[||! 00:07 0.11 3x3is9
2 always late 00:06 0.10 Adern
3 ffftt.mp3 00:07 0.11 afs
4 paramil.mp3 01:40 1.15 alex young
5 Six Degrees 00:07 0.11 Alex Young
6 65657675_andrey_kiritchenko.mp3 00:07 0.11 andrey kiritchenko
7 7_Schreiner.mp3 00:07 0.11 Audiosaloon
8 2from3-5 00:07 0.11 benowen
9 from3-5 00:07 0.11 benowen
10 2from3-5 00:07 0.11 benowen
11 sevsec 00:07 0.11 brian klein
12 carlkruger_siebnsekundnkusse.mp3 00:07 0.11 carl kruger
13 7sec.mp3 00:07 0.22 click ok to continue
14 nenouy 00:07 0.14 Caleb Deupree
15 nenouy 00:07 0.11 Caleb Deupree
16 7MysteriousSeconds.mp3 00:06 0.11 danHendricks
17 ears_eve 00:07 0.11 partial derivative of a point
18 news at 9 00:07 0.11 eien
19 murmur 00:07 0.11 Erik Schoster
20 7 candles 00:07 0.11 forma
21 7clicks.mp3 00:07 0.11 glenn bach
22 sifted.mp3 00:07 0.11 heribert friedl
23 dc 00:07 0.11 holkham
24 XXX 00:07 0.11 Ian Gallimore
25 Decorous Cognomen 00:07 0.11 J Dippold
26 deccmbr3103 00:07 0.11 inept_system
27 4teen 00:07 0.11 john saylor
28 keithdreizehn_11235813.mp3 00:07 0.11 keithdreizehn
29 abcapx.mp3 00:06 0.10 kiko
30 temporalNoise1.mp3 00:06 0.10 Kim Cascone
31 sietefrotadasdenariz 00:07 0.11 lin_clay
32 10 fingers X 6 strings 00:07 0.11 logoplasm
33 2hi 00:07 0.12 loren steele
34 007 00:07 0.12 michaƫl sellam
35 cacabba 00:07 0.11 Miulew
36 aharg 00:07 0.11 monkeyfinger
37 I.S.T.M.7 00:06 0.11 Mugen
38 e11even.mp3 00:07 0.11 na
39 e11even 00:07 0.11 nick alexander
40 Instructions Sets 00:07 0.11 Nicolas Grenier
41 7econds Attention Span 00:07 0.12 Niklas Werner
42 7econds Attention Span 00:07 0.10 Niklas Werner
43 Niklas__7even_sec_attn_span.mp3 00:07 0.11 niklas
44 7econds Attention Span 00:07 0.12 Niklas Werner
45 nisi_gluon_128k.mp3 00:07 0.11 nisi
46 pirrinsilon 00:07 0.11 omnid
47 ch7rry.mp3 00:06 0.11 paul yates
48 SevenDaySellout 00:07 0.11 Pelagius
49 endoftime 00:07 0.11 pino the frog
50 duck_n_crow 00:07 0.11 : : p y o
51 7econds 00:06 0.11 Simon Hampson
52 sept-sortes 00:07 0.11 sumoto.iki
53 Afar_a_Lullaby 00:07 0.11 Thanos Chrysakis
54 MJR7 00:07 0.11 theBeigeChannel
55 7even 00:07 0.11 tofu
56 7eaven 00:07 0.13 Tad Turner (vatic)
57 7eaven 00:07 0.11 Tad Turner (vatic)
58 vohndr 00:07 0.11 visa tapani
59 zeven seconden 00:06 0.11 will soderberg


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